Turn Off PC, Check Résumé

Q: I was let go from my job last November after 20 years but haven't been able to find a new one even though I am constantly on the Internet and the phone. Should I be doing something else?

A: You need to spend less time at your computer and more time meeting people who can help you. Join trade, industry and community groups that will allow you to mingle with a cross section of people, says Jan Cannon, a career adviser in Boston.

When people ask what you do, reply with a short, focused statement that includes your professional title and a brief description of your abilities. Employees who have spent many years at one company sometimes have trouble describing themselves professionally because they've done so many things, says David Walker, managing director of the Denver office of Drake Beam Morin, an outplacement firm.

Companies prefer to hire people who are referred to them or make themselves known in other ways. This saves employers the trouble and cost of advertising or hiring a recruiter. Your goal should be to find out about jobs before they're advertised and before other job hunters hear about them.

In some communities, driving around can help turn up a variety of leads, says Dr. Cannon. Read signs posted on new construction to learn if employers are moving to your community and visit office parks. "What happens a lot in job hunting is serendipity," says Mr. Walker. "One person introduces you to the next, and they introduce you to a third, and that's the person you were supposed to meet."

When a search stalls, it sometimes helps to start fresh. If you haven't been invited to interview, your résumé may lack focus or be cluttered with too much detail. Consider asking a professional for help.

Wall Street Journal