The 1st 90 Days

Fitting in as the new kid isn't always easy. When it comes to your first job, the first weeks are critical for setting yourself up to succeed.

Transitioning from life as a high-flying college senior to the bottom of a towering corporate totem pole can feel like cruel and unusual punishment to recent graduates. As a director at the Wasserman Center for Career Development at New York University, Paula Lee witnesses the struggle first-hand, counseling students as they enter the work force for up to a year after graduation. "We talk a lot about trying to fit in within the organization. Your role as a student is a lot different than your role as a full time employee."

Six tips for getting the best start in your first job.

Your First 90 Days

Get back to reality.
Fast. Forget the honor roll, class rank and the color of your tassel, because, says Ms. Lee, none of it will matter on your first day of work. Whether it's captaining a sports team, leading a fraternity or serving in student government, college seniors are used to being in charge. "You think your way is the right way," says Ms. Lee. "But in a job situation, you are the new employee." You might have been the best and brightest in college, but now you have to learn to fit in at work, she says. Adopt this attitude early.

Play well with others.
Susan Fowler, a career counselor and author of "Achieve Leadership Genius," says that far too many new employees rely solely on their manager for support. From the beginning it's important to reach out to peers and office support staff as well to get what you need. "Find a way to find your own support," says Ms. Fowler. "And find the person you can vent to." As Executive Director for Human Capital Management at Bearing Point, a fixture on the college recruiting scene, Ruby DeMesme says that connecting with peers outside your own team is important. From the start, says Ms. DeMesme, "employees need different layers of relationships." Seek out coworkers for casual lunches or advice on projects to get the wheels turning.

Check yourself.
Find out if your company requires a formal review after your first few months. Most companies do at either the third or sixth month, says Ms. Lee, and you don't want to be caught off guard "For some it might be a more formal review," she says. "But even if it's informal, getting feedback is important after the first few months." Whether conducting a session with human resources, or simply requesting a casual coffee with a supervisor, Ms. Lee says to be prepared with specific highlights of your early contributions and any questions you need clarified moving forward. Be sure to ask where you can improve and what skills you need to learn to succeed.

Don't play games…yet.
Three months isn't long enough to form strategic or political alliances in the office, says Ms. Fowler, who often sees employees that "try to be politically savvy before they really know anything, and they misalign themselves." Observation is more important in the beginning, she says. After about six months, it will become more clear who holds the power and where you should align yourself.

Figure out your finances.
Money can be tight after graduating and starting a new job. Writing those first few student loan checks, moving out of student housing, furnishing a new apartment or relocating for a job can easily add up. And, it often takes up to 3 weeks to get on the payroll cycle in a company – that means waiting a while to get your first paycheck. Keep that in mind before you start work – and remember, after taxes, that check will be smaller than you might think. Ms. Lee advises taking advantage of any credit or financial counseling offered through human resources, especially if credit card and student loan debt is an issue. Often, the service is free or offered at a reduced rate. When you get your first paycheck, you can set up a realistic budget.

Reap the benefits.
Remember that compensation extends beyond the paycheck. Whether enrolling in the company 401K, signing up for the carpool reimbursement plan or getting pet insurance for the sorority house dog you graciously adopted after graduation, it's up to employees to opt in to most benefit plans. "Don't let them go to waste," says Ms. Lee, who notes that corporate training programs and in-house certifications are the most valuable and underutilized benefits to new employees.

Wall Street Journal